For this project, the rural community of San Antonio Los Ranchos partnered with international mural artist Joel Bergner and community organizer Erika Murcia to tell the fascinating story of their suffering and exodus during the bloody Salvadoran civil war of the 1980's and their inspirational return to reconstruct their community and their lives.
Version Español

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Painting the mural: October 2010

Lead artist Joel Bergner and coordinator Erika Murcia worked closely with local residents to come up with a design that reflected some of the most important events and stages in the community's history. Once the design was ready, they recruited kids and adults from the neighborhood to paint, and got started on the wall!

Priming the wall white in preparation...

Joel sketches out the mural as the kids wait to paint with anticipation!

Finally the kids get to paint!

so adorable!!

All the kids in the community came out to help.


Erika Murcia, the project coordinator, with 2 of the kids.

Marcela Murcia having fun painting-- she also wrote the quotes throughout the mural.

Lead artist Joel Bergner hard at work!

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